Account Support
- How long does my ASK stay in pending?
- Are my passwords safe?
- What can I do with ASK?
- What happens if I have money in my Permission wallet and my computer crashes or is stolen or lost?
- Can I unsuspend my account?
- How Do I Download My Personal Information?
- Why was my account suspended?
- How do I create an ASK Metamask Wallet?
- Why do I need to KYC?
- How is my data secure?
- Why not use fiat currency instead of ASK?
- Why is there a waiting period before my ASK appears in my wallet?
- Can I give feedback to the team?
- Can you provide me with my Security Key?
- How is ASK different than Basic Attention Token (BAT)?
- What other wallets support ASK?
- How is my data secure?